In our world of size 2 models, picture-perfect twentyish influencers, and expected perfection, it’s no wonder we feel insecure about our bodies. And after 40? Forget it! It’s hard to keep your heart from sinking. What happened to your body of yesteryear? Doesn’t it seem like you just woke up one morning and had the dreaded mid-life body?
You are not shallow to want to get some extra help in keeping your body in the shape you desire. Post 40, it becomes harder for all of us to keep our body in shape with the normal way – diet and exercise.
Extra help keeping your more youthful shaped body – SculpSure
Many of us Gen X’ers (& the Baby Boomers before us) have chosen to seek outside assistance with our bodies. You can get a body you otherwise wouldn’t be able to achieve with top-of-the-line medical technology, SculpSure.
A 25-minute SculpSure treatment quite literally kills up to 24% of your fat cells in the area being treated. So if you have a problem area (or two or three), you can trim them with just one treatment.
You weigh the same but your body is different
Is this you? You may not weigh much more than you did before, but your body is different. Thicker waist, bulky arms, plump thighs or a blubbery backside. You can blame your hormones. And you can cure with SculpSure.
How SculpSure is different (& better) than the rest
Recently titled Warm Sculpting, SculpSure is clinically tested and proven – and FDA cleared for permanent fat loss. It’s non-surgical, not painful and involves absolutely no downtime. We’ve performed thousands of SculpSure treatments since 2015. It’s the safest and most effective option to reshape your body.
Get rid of you ‘Mom Bod’ and Rediscover your pre-40’s body
Even younger women are prone to accumulate fat. Biologically, women store fat very efficiently. Also biologically, as we age, our bodies change and we find our larger fat accumulations tend to be in our midsections. We just need more than diet and exercise in shaping our bodies.
Do what so many others have done. Discover SculpSure. Regain your body of yesterday. Look sexy. Feel confident. Be strong. Deny biology.
Contact the body shaping experts at Sculpt Away at 210-227-3051 for more information about getting the body you want or learn more at
We’re here to help. Schedule a consultation today to discuss treatment options
and look your very best.