Instead of starving yourself, eat these 7 fat burning superfoods to lose weight. Apples – Apples contain a substance called pectin which reduces both the amount of sugar and the number of calor...
Diet and Exercise Often Not Enough, Experts Say Are you tired of being told that all you have to do to lose weight and unwanted fat is to diet and exercise? “Just eat less and exercise more,” they...
Many of us would like to lose fat, especially around the middle. But you don't have to be afraid to include fat in your diet. The fear of eating fat largely contributed to the frantic “low-fat”, “f...
Fat Causing Carbs and Options at Sculpt Away in San Antonio We've all heard that unrefined or “complex” carbs and refined or “simple” carbs have different effects on the body. But many of us don'...
Fat Fighting Heavyweight Bout And the Winner is … Sculpsure Don’t you love the marvels of modern medicine? We can sculpt the stubborn fat from our body without surgery and without downtime. Good ...
Can You Really Kill Fat Cells? Yes, you can really kill fat cells ? Sculpsure™ explained Can you really kill your fat cells? Yes! We are blessed to live in an age of rapidly developing non-su...
“My Motivation Machine” I felt stricken with panic at the thought of having my body analyzed by Sculpt Away’s Body Sculpt 3D™ body scanner. After all, I can sort of cover my flaws with my cloth...